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公司簡介(About US)


目前獨家代理供應的產品包羅萬象,包括各種高低壓及抗腐蝕之快速接頭、儀控閥門及接頭、 調壓器、減壓閥、 壓力表⋯⋯等﹐其材質等級包括 316不鏽鋼、真空雙重冶煉(Vim / Var)、鎳合金 200、鐵弗龍(PTFE)、PFA、PVDF、PE 等等。

本公司可提供 Linktech、TESCOM、TESCOM 調壓閥、NUPURE、Autoclave、調壓閥、快速接頭、隔膜閥、GTC、CPC 快速接頭、CPC、STAUBLI、UHP 最高品質隔膜片閥、減壓閥、VCR 接頭、以及 CGA & Diss 接頭、全系列各種 UHP,流體管路系統產品應用於高科技產業。

在半導体制程應用上或 12” 晶圓、TFT / LCD、光電建廠所需 9N 氣體純化器、Sub-micron 過濾器。

自 1976 年成立以來,台灣管件陪著客戶一路成長, 客戶層十分的廣泛,含括半導體業、光電及電子廠、石油化學業、電力、研究機構、航太業、製藥業及生化科技等產業。包含壓力、流量、溫度之控制所需要的儀控零組件及相關器材、R & D 取樣裝置與儀器配管零件設施等。



Taiwan Valve & Fitting Corp. is a leading supplier of fluid system handling, measurement and control products for a wide range of industrial critical handling process applications, offering a full line of Ultra-High Purity face seal fittings, mini orbital buttweld fittings, CGA & Diss connections, flexible components, hose and tubing assemblies and wide variety of valves with materials including various grades of 316L SS. Vim/Var, Nickel 200, Teflon, PTFE, PFA, PVDF, PE and more.

TVF also provides high quality research and process instrumentation valves and fittings, quick couplings in a wide variety of materials for high pressure, high temperature and cryogenic applications.

Since 1976, TVF has grown to serve the needs of a broad customer base within a wide range of industries: semiconductor/microelectronics, petro-refining, power generation, chemical processing, sampling and analytical systems, industrial machinery, scientific research, aerospace, pharmaceutical and biotechnology.

Today, TVF is a total solutions supplier, offering inventory products, services, and engineering support. TVF always aim to deliver the best quality fluid systems components and solutions.

Our commitment are:

– Knowing your needs

– Satisfying your wants

– New innovative applications

– Providing value-added service

歷史沿革(Company Group History)

1966 成立聯祥企業股份有限公司,引進焊接設備之銷售。

1976 成立台灣管件股份有限公司,台灣管件主要銷售各種金屬及塑膠類之高低壓抗腐蝕之閥門管件及快速接頭,UHV 金屬及塑膠軟管,以及調壓器、壓力表、純化器、過濾器⋯⋯等。

自 1976 年以來曾銷售並代理 Swagelok, Aeronex, Tescom HPCD, Spain, Ewal 等名牌。

目前台灣管件獨家代理 Circo, Bourdon Sedeme, Staubli, Colder Products Company, St-Gobain, Nupure, Tescom ICD 等世界名牌之產品。

1986 成立聯尚股份有限公司,生產及銷售自動焊接設備。

1966 Founded United Penta Corporation

Imported welding equipment for sale

1976 Establishment of Taiwan Valve & Fitting Corp.

TVF was a distributor of Swagelok(1976-1991) & Aeronex, Spain,
Ewal etc. To date, TVF has been acting as the exclusive
distributor of Circor, Bourdon Sedeme, Staubli, Colder Products Company,
Saint-Gobain, Tescom ICD division etc. TVF also deals in a wide
variety of materials for a wide range of fluid delivery control system

1986 Founded United PROARC Corp.

Producing & selling auto welding equipment

經營理念(Business Philosophy:)



We aim at supplying precise, innovative, compatible, high quality fluid systems components and the best solutions to serve our customers. We are specialized in fluid system control products and offer a wide variety of products such as regulators, purifiers, filters, valves, quick connectors etc to handle various fluids with different pressure, flow rate, temperature, purification and filtration requirements.

Our commitment is:

– Knowing your needs

– Satisfying your wants

– Providing value-added service

– Innovative application solution


公司名稱 :台灣管件股份有限公司(Taiwan Valve and Fitting Co.)
公司地址 :新竹市香山區牛埔路 165 號
成立時間 :1976 年
聯絡電話 :03-5301250

員工人數 :30 人
公司業務 :代理歐、美、日工業產品及設備

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